Common Skin Disorders And How You Can Treat Them

19 January 2017
 Categories: , Blog


There are a number of common skin disorders that you may encounter throughout your life. While some are harmless and may not even need any treatment, other skin conditions such as skin cancer can be life threatening if not treated right away. Whether you are dealing with acne, eczema, or you have a suspicious spot on your back, it's important to get your skin properly assessed by a dermatologist to come up with a treatment plan of recovery. While you may not want to do anything about a skin condition that isn't bothering you, it's important to make sure the new patch on your skin isn't a form of skin cancer.

Moles, Warts, and Skin Tags

When you have a new mole growing on your skin, you'll want to have the mole checked by a dermatologist. While most moles are harmless, sometimes this is the first sign of a problematic skin cancer. If you have moles on your body that are suddenly changing shape, you'll need to have these looked at too. Warts are not a sign of cancer, but they can be problematic and sometimes painful. Many people choose to have warts removed because they get in the way of every day activities. Skin tags are harmless, tiny pieces of skin that can grow just about anywhere. They are most common around the neck and face. Skin tags can be removed by freezing them off.

Treating Hives and Eczema

Both hives an eczema are basically an allergic reaction of the skin. You can treat hives with antihistamine medication, and by staying away the allergen that caused the hives in the first place. Eczema is usually treated with a hydrocortizone cream. If you have a severe case of eczema, it's important to identify the cause while trying to treat it at the same time. Common causes of eczema are new perfumes or soaps, laundry detergent and other allergens. If you believe you have eczema, see your general practitioner for medical advice on how to treat it.

There are a number of other kinds of skin disorders such as rosacea, psoriasis, and impetigo. Each are caused for a different reasons, and only a dermatologist is going to properly diagnose the condition and provide you with a treatment plant to cure it. If you have a new growth on your skin and you can't identify what it is, it's time to see a dermatologist like Vail Dermatology to assess your skin.